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The Navi Journey, Daniel

By: Rabbi Ilan Ginian

Sefer Daniel chronicles the events before the churban of the first Beis Hamikdash from the time Daniel was captured as a child and exiled to Bavel, through the seventy years of galus Bavel and galus Paras u’Madai, until the beginning of the building of the second Bayis. Daniel was eventually appointed to head the kingdom of each of the rulers during that era.

However, the purpose of Sefer Daniel is not to give a historical account of the time period, but rather to recount the miracles that Hashem performed during those times.

It reveals Hashem’s kindness and righteousness, and that He did not abandon His nation for one moment, even as they were sent into galus. The sefer concludes with Daniel’s visions of the time when Mashiach will arrive and the Jewish people will be redeemed.

Sefer Daniel reminds us not only how we ended up in galus, but helps us understand the reason for our current exile. Its underlying message is that Hashem’s hashgachah is with us here, even now, and therefore we should never despair! Just as Hashem heard Daniel’s tefillos when he was thrown into the pit of lions, so too, will He hear our prayers and bring about the final redemption!


“On the one hand, his blend of meforshim written as a running commentary of the pesukim reads like a story. Yet, on closer examination, we gain great insights into the events that occurred and what we as members of Klal Yisroel are to learn l’doros , for generations to come.”

Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn


“Rabbi Ginian offers a compendium of commentaries written in a freeflowing style to make the words of the Navi come alive with breadth and depth.”

Rabbi Zev Leff


“With your help, we will be able to better take advantage of the timeless messages of the Nevi’im.”

Rabbi Mordechai Kornfeld


“A tremendous yashar koach for the gevaldic seforim you produced.
I have really enjoyed them and learned a lot from them.”

Rabbi Daniel Estreicher

The Navi Journey, Daniel

SKU: 8685
$19.99 Regular Price
$17.99Sale Price
  • Dimensions    6X9
    ISBN    9781735125572
    Publisher    Distributed by Feldheim
    Language    The Navi Journey, Daniel
    Number of pages    296
    Item #    8685
    Binding type    Hard Cover
    Weight    1.513000 lbs


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