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Teens Talk

Because teens have stories to tell

By Sarah Massry (Author)

Teens have stories to tell. If you’re a teen nowadays, you’re searching, questioning, laughing and crying and trying to figure it all out – whether it’s the kind of future you hope to live or the flavor of ice cream you’re in the mood for.

In these pages you’re going to meet some pretty amazing teens. Rivka, left in a wheelchair after a sudden accident, who discovers how to create a meaningful and, yes, happy life. Mindy, forced to watch her sister being slowly destroyed by an eating disorder. Devorah, sole introvert in a family that simply can’t understand her.

You will read about popular girls, girls who wish they were popular and aren’t, and girls who like going their own way, no matter what others think. Stories of the bullies and the bullied, a house that burned down, a haircut fiasco: it’s all here.

Some stories will touch your heart. Others will open your eyes. And they all will enrich your own story, the story that you’re writing every single day.

Teens Talk

$23.99 Regular Price
$21.11Sale Price
  • Catalog # TEENSH

    ISBN-10 : 1422641945

    ISBN # : 9781422641941

    Format : Hardcover

    Pages : 226

    Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.876 inches

    Weight: 1.2 LBS

    Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

    Release Date : 08/28/2024

    Size : Standard
    Age Range: Young Adult
    Language: English


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