Set Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum - Softcover
A set of two Bible and one translation booklets - paperback
Five years of the Bible and one of the translation in a beautiful and elegant layout, where each parasha is arranged verse by verse, where the Pentateuch was first brought, followed by the translation, and each time the design is changed in a different font for the convenience of the student of the Shemu'ot. On the order of mitzvot in the Torah with a unique explanation for the benefit of the learners.A unique feature has been added in this edition, when in every verse that has an additional Rashi's commentary on it, a special note has been noted at the end of the verse, when by this the student will be able to immediately distinguish Rashi's commentary on a site.
In this edition there is also a special introduction to the matters of biblical years and one translation from books and authors.
Set Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum - Softcover
Set Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum - Softcover