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Reb Meilech Biderman has touched all of Klal Yisrael with his messages of chizuk, bringing us uplift and hope, filling us with confidence that we can make good things better.

Now, Reb Meilech on the Haggadah, written by bestselling author Yisroel Besser, brings his message of emunah and hope to our Seder table.

Reb Meilech will enliven our Seder as only he can, with beautiful divrei Torah, delightful stories, and wise insights. This Haggadah will fill your home with Reb Meilech’s unique brand of simchah, the happiness of being part of Klal Yisrael, the joy of becoming aware of Hashem’s gifts all around, and the delight of knowing how much our Creator loves us and takes pleasure in all the good things we do.

Reb Meilech on the Haggadah Royal Brown Leather

$129.99 Regular Price
$114.39Sale Price
  • Reb Meilech on the Haggadah Royal Brown Leather

    Insights, Stories, and Commentaries of HaRav Elimelech Biderman

    By Yisroel Besser (Author) Shloimy Wolf (Compiled By)

    Catalog # HMEIL-RB

    ISBN-10 : 142263311X

    ISBN # : 9781422633113

    Format : Hardcover

    Pages : 264

    Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches

    Weight: 1.4 LBS

    Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

    Release Date : 03/15/2023

    Size : Standard
    Language: Hebrew/English


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