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How to Live a Miserable Life

Rabbi Moshe Naiditch
Have you been looking for a way to feel happier throughout your day but nothing has seemed to work?Do you find yourself getting frustrated at your life, and annoyed at your friends, co-workers and family?Or even not happy with yourself?How to Live a Miserable Life might be the answer for you!Join those who have already seen the simplicity of how their mind really works and get ready for a life-changing but light-hearted read!"I am confident that this book will be a source of counsel and good health for all of its readers."Rav Michel Twerski shlit”a, Hornsteipler Rebbe of Milwaukee"Anyone who is looking to improve their peace of mind will not regret reading this book."Rav Yaakov Harari shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Ohel TorahAbout the Author:With over twenty years of teaching experience, Rabbi Moshe Naiditch has been guiding, teaching and coaching in Yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael. His ability to see the best in his students has helped him inspire them and instill in them a passion for avodas Hashem. When he was introduced to the teachings of Innate Health through Rav Michel Twerski shlit”a, Rabbi Naiditch realized the common denominator in so many issues people are going through, and how with a little understanding they can live a healthy, happy, productive life of serving Hashem.

How to Live a Miserable Life

SKU: 8600
$16.99 Regular Price
$15.29Sale Price
  • Dimensions    6X9
    ISBN    9781962522083
    Publisher    Adir Press
    Number of pages    128
    Item #    8600
    Binding type    Hard Cover
    Weight    0.860000 lbs.


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